Monday, November 29, 2010

Buying Conflict Free Diamonds

Many couples today want to have a beautiful diamond wedding ring, yet they are quite aware of the likelihood that their precious gem is tainted with conflict or blood. However, it is not that difficult to obtain certified conflict free diamonds.
You can buy wholesale diamonds from Canada that have documentation proving their origin, cutting, and polishing. Because of the fact that it is quite possible to scam this system, it is important to deal with a reputable company.
There are so many steps in the production of a precious stone that many dishonest dealers will knowingly deceive the public just to gain a sale. Therefore, make sure you ask plenty of questions, if you truly wish to buy a blood free diamond.
You need to ask things such as:
  • Where do your diamonds come from?
  • What is your policy on conflict free diamonds? Can you provide published documentation?
  • Who cuts your diamonds?
  • Where are they polished?
Questions such as this will quickly give you an idea about the authenticity of their claims.
Jon Arnett writes about wholesale Canadian diamonds.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wedding Rings For Women And Men

Some things never seem to go out of style, and wedding rings for women and men are one (or maybe two) of those things. Despite the fact that society has dramatically changed it's viewpoint on many traditions, this one lives on.
There is some strong evidence that the advertising agencies have a lot to do with this, plus the diamond companies reportedly create the illusion of a worldwide scarcity of precious gems. Nevertheless, it is just simply part of human nature to want a wedding band.
It doesn't have to be an expensive multi-carat diamond, or a fancy platinum ring, it could be a simple gold band or plain silver one. The important thing is that the man and woman have a reminder of their commitment to one another.
Some popular styles are the Irish Claddagh, Christian, and custom designed bands. The Celtic rings, in particular, have a romantic legend and tradition surrounding their origin.
Jon Arnett writes about wedding rings for women at